When I read this article, I found it almost laughable that the President of the United States has trouble securing network airtime, but then I saw that his address would rupture my viewing of The Office. I don't really need to hear that Bush's greatest success as President was his EFFORT to privatize Social Security again, so… please don't ruin The Office for me, and Grey's Anatomy for the people that haven't yet realized that Grey's is a glorified bad soap opera (excuse me, serial). It's not fair!
Note: Doesn't he look super cute with his little American flag? Toss in one of those multi-colored beanies with the propeller on top and this would be my screensaver!
Dont be too harsh on the guy, it isnt easy to preside the worst recession since the Great Depression, the huge mess that is the Iraq War and the demise of the Republican Party as we know it. I want to see you take in stride like ol' Georgie.
I know he didn't CAUSE the recession... but he caused the recession. He decided to go to war under false pretenses, and the Republican Party has had to adapt to clean up his mess. What kind of break should I be giving him exactly? Quite frankly, he SHOULDN'T be taking it in stride, he really should be issuing a giant letter of apology to the country for destroying our reputation abroad, wasting billions of dollars on an unnecessary war to get oil we wouldn't necessarily need if we invested in green technology, and made no strides in fixing the Social Security problem, health care crisis, or education system. But he can't issue a letter of apology because that just admits our country is as weak as we actually are right now, so instead we get rhetoric and grand standing of a guy who did more bad for this country than perhaps any other President (except Franklin Pierce. What a douche.)
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