These men, once again are placed on a pedestal for no apparent reason; all of the men are in their mid twenties and still live at home, none of their careers seem especially grandiose, and even their looks are nothing to write home about. If we’re going to be superficial about it: JoJo is a pushover with no personality and a lisp, Rob is goofy-looking in general, and Michael is a firefighter (high probability of burns and probably not particularly smart if his job is to run towards the flames). I’m shocked that women with advanced degrees, women who have entered the workforce as educated members of society are resorting to this kind of series to break into television, or (and I truly hope this is none of their goals) to meet a man. I watched them each run to grab a cell phone and wait for a text message to decide their fate in the show. It's the Post-It break up of Prime Time TV, Berger lives! This also personally annoys me because they all have blackberrys and their text message ring is the same as mine... and for 5 minutes of the show I think I'm popular... But I'm not. Some of the ladies clearly have IQs comparable to Britney Spears’ but I’m shocked that the rest of them are resorting to something so offensive to their sexual identity. What are they competing for besides screen time? What is the prize? I’m baffled.
Now add Khalood Bojanowski, a mother of Iraqi descent who refuses to let her son date anything but a pure Catholic white girl. She goes so far as to make a laundry list of all the qualities she shuns (no Blacks, Jews, or Fat Butt girls need apply). After seeing this footage many of the minority women were visibly upset, but not a single one decided to leave after learning of this particular casting choice. While the audience is only given certain footage, it seems as if some of the ladies were even more excited about the prospect of nailing the racist lady’s son just to spite her ways. Ridiculous.
Ultimately the show just goes to prove that these guys tend to go for blond, big boobed, fake women. Porn fantasies. And women go for men... any men, apparently. Also, why are there friggin challenges in this show? I see no purpose for the challenges. Ryan Seacrest, I hate you and your fake tan.
Here are some important questions:
Why the heck would the son-to the-devil-lady, Damien (I mean JoJo) allow his racist mother to appear on television, knowing full well that she would disgrace his family?
Does Mrs. B’s racism make us feel better about how kumbayah we are about race these days because we’re no longer outward bigots like her?
Why would this show NEVER work with Daddy’s Girls, or simply men competing for women they’ve never met? There’s a reason the Bachelorette has always been a woman from a previous season.
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